TWO HOURS AGO, 8 O’CLOCK - › OpenSchool › IngleseI’ve been here since 8 o’clock (sono qui dalle otto) (sono arrivato alle 8 e sono ancora qui) Nel caso di verbi di azione (p es to work, to study, to wait) si può usare il present perfect continuous: I’ve been studying since 4 0’clock (studio dalle 4) ho iniziato a studiare alle quattro e sto ancora
For/Since - Lingolia and since are often used with the present perfect tense, and they both answer the question how long?, however, they are not interchangeable. For is used with a time period, while since is used with a fixed time point. Keep reading to learn all about the difference between for and since in English, then put your knowledge to the test in the exercises below.
6 Present perfect simple e continuous (25-27, 30-31) › elt › studentsPer descrivere la durata di un’azione si usano since e for. Since si usa per descrivere il momento d’inizio di un’azione e si usa for per esprimere il periodo di tempo. I’ve had this mobile for a year. I bought my mobile. I have the same mobile. A year ago Today Italy has been a republic since 1946. Italy became a republic. Italy is a ...