22.11.2019 · The steps in this post showed how to enable SSH on an ESXi 6.7 host and how to use key-based authentication to connect without a password. We then created a simple Ansible hosts file and ran a test command to show that Ansible can communicate with our hosts. You’re now ready to write complex playbooks to automate administration tasks on ESXi ...
10.05.2018 · Before we can start running Ansible playbooks against vCenter or ESXi, there are a few things we need to do in order to get set up. There is an Ansible VMware module for interacting with vSphere, which are based on PyVmomi …
Ansible. Ansible Playbooks inventory; ... Ansible playbook to Configure ESXi network settings and add host to Vcenter cluster. ... Run playbook by ansible-playbook ansible/ConigureNewEsxiHost.yml . 4. You can check in meantime …
15.01.2020 · On this second part article of after How to install Ansible on Linux for vSphere configuration, I have written here 2 Ansible playbook files (play tasks created) to configure VMWare ESXi servers. Language for the ansible playbook files is YAML/YML format.
Ansible playbook to Configure ESXi network settings and add host to Vcenter cluster . Download playbook >> ConigureNewEsxiHost. Lets test it. To create this playbook I use below modules. community.vmware.vmware_dns_config. Ansible documentation >> link. To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.vmware.
27.10.2020 · The connection is initially made from your Ansible server to the Vcenter appliance on port 443. So all playbooks will be running on the Ansible server. Because of this we need to specify: hosts: localhost, and connection local. Never use plain text credentials in your playbooks. Use Ansible VAULT if you are running a simple Ansible deployment.
Jul 10, 2020 · Recently I’ve been using Ansible to push out updates to vSphere environments that have a lot of hosts, but no working installation of VMWare Update Manager available. During the creation of the below playbook, I found a few interesting caveats to using Ansible to manage your ESXI hosts and vCenter.
Ansible provides various modules to manage VMware infrastructure, which includes datacenter, cluster, host system and virtual machine. Requirements Ansible VMware modules are written on top of pyVmomi . pyVmomi is the Python SDK for the VMware vSphere API that allows user to manage ESX, ESXi, and vCenter infrastructure.
What started as small collection of Ansible playbooks became a large collection of long playbooks, all placed in a local git repo. The Ansible documentation just mentions it recommends using git. This is the current flow to execute an ansible playbook: User opens the playbook from his repo. Changes the value of - hosts: SSH to the ansible machine
Apr 09, 2019 · Ansible Playbook. All the above snippets together form my Playbook to enforce the VMware ESXi Security Configuration with Ansible. The Playbook has three debug tasks to identify the required service names, firewall rule names and advanced option keys. The debug tasks can be excluded with the ansible-playbook option –skip-tags debug.
Nov 22, 2019 · This post will show you how to prepare your hosts so that Ansible can communicate with them, allowing you to write playbooks for any kind of task you want to run. The following steps have been tested on a VMware vSphere ESXi 6.7 virtual machine running on a MacBook Pro .
I create Ansible playbook to get some useful information from esxi host. To get this information I use community.vmware.vmware_host_facts module. To install it use: ansible-galaxy collection install community.vmware. To use it in a playbook, specify: community.vmware.vmware_host_facts. Change all vars section in playbook Host_Info.yml.
Modules, roles and playbooks presented here allow to manage standalone ESXi hosts (although hosts under vCenter are ok too) with direct SSH connection, usually ...
24.03.2020 · Back to the Playbooks and How They Work. Looking at the Ansible plays, there are 3 included in the repo I’ve shared (here it is again):networksetfacts.yml – This one is here so you can pull the Network Set definition(s) from Oneview. You’ll need it to figure out two parameters in the main yml file (ManagementNIC.NetworkUri) and the (ManagementNIC2.NetworkUri).
09.04.2019 · Ansible Playbook. All the above snippets together form my Playbook to enforce the VMware ESXi Security Configuration with Ansible. The Playbook has three debug tasks to identify the required service names, firewall rule names and advanced option keys. The debug tasks can be excluded with the ansible-playbook option –skip-tags debug.