Unable to mount NFS datastore (1005948) | VMware KB
kb.vmware.com › s › articleFeb 17, 2020 · Ensure the NFS server supports NFSv3 over TCP. ESX/ESXi does not use UDP for NFS. The NFS server must be accessible in read-write mode by all ESX/ESXi hosts. The NFS server must allow read-write access for the root system account (rw). The NFS export must be set for either no_root_squash or chmod 1777 .
ESXi 6.7 NFS Datastore - Access denied - Server Fault
serverfault.com › questions › 946686Dec 26, 2018 · From the ESX command line, I can ping the netapp NFS interface (vmkping 192.168.X.X, zero packet loss). When I try to create the NFS share, it fails saying "The NFS server has denied access". From the NetApp command line, I tried the following check-access -vserver -volume -client-ip 192.168.X.X -auth none -proto nfs3 -access-type read-write ...