ETF | Børshandlede fond | DNB Markets › markets › aksjer- Da er ETF-en DNB OBX et godt alternativ. Kjøp DNB OBX - invester i hovedindeksen på Oslo Børs Vårt eget børshandlede fond DNB OBX er knyttet opp mot hovedindeksen på Oslo Børs (OBX). Hovedindeksen, og ETF-en, vil til enhver tid bestå av de 25 mest omsatte aksjene på Oslo Børs siste seks foregående måneder. Les mer om DNB OBX
DNB OBX - DNB Savings and Investments To Investment products To DNB Markets An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a fund comprising shares and other securities which tracks an underlying stock market index. ETFs are traded on stock exchanges and give you the opportunity to buy into an international stock market index or sector just as easily as when buying shares.
DNB OBX - DNB › en › etfTo DNB Markets An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a fund comprising shares and other securities which tracks an underlying stock market index. ETFs are traded on stock exchanges and give you the opportunity to buy into an international stock market index or sector just as easily as when buying shares.
DNB OBX › ...An Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) is a fund comprising shares and other securities which tracks an underlying stock market index. ... ETFs are traded on stock ...