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ethiopia wikipedia

Economy of Ethiopia - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Economy_of_Ethiopia
The economy of Ethiopia is a mixed and transition economy with a large public sector. The government of Ethiopia is in the process of privatizing many of the state-owned businesses and moving toward a market economy. The banking, telecommunication and transportation sectors of the economy are dominated by government-owned companies.
Ethiopia - Wikipedia
Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a landlocked country in the Horn of Africa. It shares borders with Eritrea and Djibouti to the north, Somaliland to the northeast, Somalia to the east, Kenya to the south, South Sudan to the west, and Sudan to the northwest. Ethiopia
Språk i Etiopia – Wikipedia
Språk i Etiopia Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi Kart over utbredelsen til de største språka i Etiopia Det snakkes mange språk i Etiopia. Ifølge Ethnologue snakkes det 85 språk i landet, mens den siste folketellinga, fra 1994, oppgir 77. De fleste språka er afroasiatiske ( semittiske, kusjittiske, omotiske) eller nilosahariske .
Aethiopia - Wikipedia
The Greek name Aithiopia ( Αἰθιοπία, from Αἰθίοψ, Aithíops, 'an Ethiopian') is a compound derived of two Greek words: αἴθω, aíthō, 'fire,burn,light' + ὤψ, ṓps, '"to the eye" or "in the face"'.this designation properly translates in noun form as light to the eye .
Ethiopia - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ethiopia
Ethiopia, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, is a landlocked country in the Horn of Africa. It shares borders with Eritrea and Djibouti ...
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Time in Ethiopia - Wikipedia. en.wikipedia.org. Time in Ethiopia - Wikipedia · ۱۰:۳۶ قبل‌ازظهر · ۲۵ نوامبر ۲۰۱۹·Twitter for iPhone.
Ethiopia - Wikitravel
https://wikitravel.org › Ethiopia
Ethiopia (Amharic: ኢትዮጵያ ʾĪtyōṗṗyā) is a fascinating country in the Horn of Africa and the second-most populous nation on the African continent (after ...
Economy of Ethiopia - Wikipedia
Ethiopia has one of the fastest-growing economies in the world and is Africa's second most populous country. Many properties owned by the government during the previous regime have now been privatized and are in the process of privatization.
Etiopia – Wikipedia
Etiopia (amharisk: ኢትዮጵያ, ʾĪtyōṗṗyā), offisielt Den føderale demokratiske republikk(en) Etiopia (amharisk: ye-Ītyōṗṗyā Fēdēralāwī Dīmōkrāsīyāwī Rīpeblīk), er en føderal republikk på Afrikas horn, nordøst i Afrika. Landet grenser til Eritrea i nord, Djibouti og Somaliland i nordøst, Somalia i øst, Kenya i sør, Sør-Sudan i vest og Sudan i nordvest, men har ikke kyst og er dermed den mest folkerike inn…
Etiópia – Wikipédia
hu.wikipedia.org › wiki › Etiópia
Etiópia, 1936-ig: Abesszínia Kelet-Afrika egyik állama, „ Afrika szarvánál ” található. Határai északon Eritrea, észak-keleten Dzsibuti, keleten és dél-keleten Szomália, délen Kenya és nyugaton Szudán és Dél-Szudán. Fővárosa, egyben legnépesebb városa Addisz-Abeba .
Ethiopia - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
simple.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ethiopia
Ethiopia, unlike the rest of Africa, had never been colonized. Ethiopia was accepted as the first independent African-governed state at the League of Nations in 1922. Ethiopia was occupied by Italy after the Second Italo-Abyssinian War, but it was liberated by the Allies during World War II. After the war, Ethiopia annexed Eritrea.
Ethiopians - Wikipedia
Ethiopians are the native inhabitants of Ethiopia, as well as the global diaspora of Ethiopia. Ethiopians constitute several component ethnic groups, many of which are closely related to ethnic groups in neighboring Eritrea and other parts of the Horn of Africa.. The first document of using the name "Ethiopia" from Greek name "Αἰθίοψ" (Ethiopian) was in the 4th century at the …
Etiopias historie – Wikipedia
Etiopia er det eneste landet i Afrika, foruten Liberia, som aldri har vært under kolonistyre. Fra 1936 til 1941 var landet okkupert av Italia, men etiopierne greide sammen med britiske tropper å beseire Italia. Landet var et keiserdømme fram til 1974 da …
Etiopia - Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org › wiki › Etiopia
Andre aviser er Addis Fortune, ukeavisen Capital Ethiopia og Ethiopian Reporter ... Mestawet Ethiopian Newspaper er et månedstidsskrift for etiopiere i USA.
Ethiopia - Wikipedia
https://sn.wikipedia.org › wiki › Et...
Itopiya (ku Chingezi: Ethiopia; muChiamhariki: ኢትዮጵያ Ityopp'ya) inyika yakakomberedzwa nedzimwe inowanikwa muDunhu reNyanga yeAfurika.
Ethiopia - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Ethiopia
Ethiopia has Jewish emigrant in Israel about 155,300 as of 2019. They are collectively known as Beta Israel. Ethiopia is founding member of the Group of 24 (G-24), the Non-Aligned Movement and the G77. In 2002, the African Union was founded in Addis Ababa with majority headquarter post take place.
History of Ethiopia - Wikipedia
History of Ethiopia. Ethiopian civilization emergence dates back over hundreds of years. Due to migration and imperial expansion, it grew to include many other primarily Afro-Asiatic -speaking communities, including Amhara, Oromos, Somalis, Tigray, Afars, Sidama, Gurage, Agaw and Harari, among others. One of the early kingdoms to rise to power ...
Ethiopia - Wikipedia, le encyclopedia libere
https://ia.wikipedia.org › wiki › Et...
Ethiopia symbolisava durante multe annos le independentia african; Haile Selassie, imperator de Ethiopia (1930-1974), es mesmo venerate per rastafarianos como ...
Ethiopia - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ethiopia was one of the few countries in Africa that escaped the Scramble for Africa. It avoided being colonized until 1935, when it was invaded by the Italians, who took over the country for a brief time. Ethiopia used to be called Abyssinia. The word "Ethiopia" is from the Greek word Αἰθιοπία (IPA: /ˌaitʰioˈpia/) meaning sun light burned face.
Ethiopia - Wikipedia
https://hif.wikipedia.org › wiki › E...
Ethiopia, Horn of Africa me hae aur iske north me Eritrea, west me Sudan, south me Kenya, east me Somalia aur northeast me Djibouti hae. Iske area 1,100,000 km² ...
Ethiopia - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
https://simple.wikipedia.org › wiki
Ethiopia used to be called Abyssinia. The word "Ethiopia" is from the Greek word Αἰθιοπία (IPA: /ˌaitʰioˈpia/) meaning sun light burned face. It is the most ...