Oslo | euronext.com
https://www.euronext.com/en/markets/osloThis will imply certain amendments to the rules for issuers on Oslo Børs, Euronext Expand and Euronext Growth Oslo. The proposed amendments are further set out in the Consultation letter below. Issuers and other stakeholders are invited to comment on the proposed changes by 15 February 2021 to consultation@oslobors.no.
Oslo | euronext.com
www.euronext.com › nb › markets19/05/2020. Following the acquisition of Oslo Børs by Euronext in June 2019, and as communicated previously, the Oslo Børs Derivatives Market will migrate onto the Euronext trading platform Optiq on 30 November 2020. The migration will also include a change of Derivatives CCP from SIX x-clear AG to LCH SA.
Euronext Homepage | euronext.com
https://www.euronext.com/nbExchange Euronext Growth Sted Oslo Listed On 22 December 2021 market capitalisation NOK 1.76 billion Capital Raised - HZY Navn Homizy S.p.A. Exchange Euronext Growth Sted Milan Listed On 21 December 2021 market capitalisation EUR 55 million Capital Raised EUR 10 million KCC ...
Oslo Børs | live - Euronext
https://live.euronext.com/en/markets/osloOslo Børs | live. Oslo Børs. Ticker. AEX-INDEX AEX 790,48 -0,23 % AB INBEV ABI 53,25 -0,37 % ACKERMANS V.HAAREN ACKB 166,90 0,79 % AEDIFICA AED 115,20 1,41 % AGEAS AGS 45,35 0,58 % APERAM APAM 47,91 1,68 % ARGENX SE ARGX 310,00 -0,29 % COFINIMMO COFB 139,50 0,58 % COLRUYT COLR 37,62 0,72 % ELIA GROUP ELI 116,70 1,48 % GALAPAGOS GLPG 48,255 …
Trading Hours & Holidays | euronext.com
www.euronext.com › en › tradeJan 03, 2022 · 2021 End of year trading hours. *Half Trading Day Closing hours for half-day trading depend on the market. On Wednesday 13 April 2022, trading will be half day trading for Oslo Børs. The exact trading hours are provided here. For Dublin, Equity instruments will close between 13:28 – 13:30 CET (12:28 – 12:30 Dublin time).
Oslo | euronext.com
https://www.euronext.com/nb/markets/osloDen 27. november 2020 vedtok regjeringen at lovforslaget som gjennomfører EUs forordning om markedsmisbruk (MAR) trer i kraft 1. mars 2021. Dette vil innebære enkelte endringer i regelverket for utstedere på Oslo Børs, Euronext Expand og Euronext Growth Oslo. De foreslåtte endringene er nærmere redegjort for i høringsbrevet nedenfor.
Euronext VPS
https://www.euronextvps.noA new regulation is approaching for Euronext Securities Oslo and all ... to the point where you need to attract new investors in order to grow even further?
Oslo | euronext.com
www.euronext.com › en › marketsOn 27 November 2020, the Government of Norway resolved that the bill to implement EU’s regulation on market abuse (MAR) shall enter into force on 1 March 2021. This will imply certain amendments to the rules for issuers on Oslo Børs, Euronext Expand and Euronext Growth Oslo.