European Journal of Educational Research Journal of Educational ResearchE-ISSN: 2165-8714. European Journal of Educational Research. EU-JER is is an open access, peer reviewed, online academic research journal. , and . Mohammad Tohir* - INDONESIA, Maswar Maswar - INDONESIA, Moh. Atikurrahman - INDONESIA, Saiful Saiful - INDONESIA, Diyah Ayu Rizki Pradita - INDONESIA.
European Journal of Educational Research › fulltext › EJ1205635European Journal of Educational Research, 8(1), 63-71. doi: 10.12973/eu-jer.8.1.63 Introduction Although science is one of the most important lessons that enhance students’ cognitive development and increase their creativity, it is perceived as a difficult subject to learn by many students which hinders their success in science (Mallow,
European Journal of Educational Research › journalsearchManuscripts published in EU-JER primarily constitute original research, methodologies, methods, and theoretical perspectives relevant to an international audience. The journal includes a particular interest in research toward scholarly analyses of issues and trends that inform educational practice (s) within and/or across sectors.
European Journal of Educational Research Journal of Educational Research Home About Us Aims & Scope Latest Issue Archive Instructions for Authors Editorial Board Abstracting & Indexing EU-JER is is an open access, peer reviewed, online academic research journal. The journal has been indexed in , and . SCR (Scimago Journal Rank ) of the journal: Most Read Most Cited