Many students use only will or going to in order to talk about the future. However, it's very common to use the present continuous to talk about the future, in ...
Arrangements An arrangement is a specific plan that we have for the future. We have taken real steps to be sure we achieve this plan. For example, we have called to reserve a table at a restaurant or we have bought a plane ticket. When we are talking about arrangements, we use the present progressive.
Talking about the future in English. Many students use only will or going to in order to talk about the future. However, it’s very common to use the present continuous to talk about the future, in the case of arrangements that are planned: + I’m having dinner with friends tonight. + She’s meeting David at the train station tomorrow. – He isn’t coming to the party.
Present continuous - future arrangements · I'm visiting my friend tomorrow. We aren't going to school today. · I'm having a party for my birthday. My brother is ...
Examples: I'm staying with Susan this weekend. Jamie and his family are flying to Toronto next week. Susan is taking an English course next summer. Note: It is ...
21.02.2021 · Present continuous (future arrangements) We often use the present continuous to talk about the future, especially about future plans when we have decided a time and a place with other people.We normally use a future time expression, e.g. tomorrow, next week, at 7, etc. I’m meeting Sally at 7. (=I have talked to her and we have arranged to meet.)
The Present Continuous is used to talk about future arrangements. An arrangement is something that is done to prepare or plan for something in the future. An arrangement is also an agreement between two people or groups about how something happens or will happen. Kang_hojun. (2017).
Present continuous – future arrangements. We can use the present continuous to talk about future arrangements. I'm visiting my friend tomorrow. We aren't going …
Examples · Is she seeing him tomorrow? · He isn't working next week. · They aren't leaving until the end of next year. · We are staying with friends when we get to ...
Used with a time expression, the present continuous tense can express fixed social or travel arrangements for the future: "What are you doing tonight?" "I'm going out with some friends." (it is settled) They are getting married next month. (they have made arrangements) I'm flying to Istanbul on the 15th. (I have booked my ticket)
The grammatical form which we use depends on things like our mood, how we feel about the future event, how objective or subjective or neutral we want to be, and on factors such as our sense of obligation, hope and certainty. If you’re not sure what I mean, let’s start with a very practical example: Communicating your Plans and Arrangements
Present continuous (future arrangements) We often use the present continuous to talk about the future, especially about future plans when we have decided a time and a place with other people. We normally use a future time expression, e.g. tomorrow, next week, at 7, etc. I’ m meeting Sally at 7. (=I have talked to her and we have arranged to meet.)
An arrangement is a specific plan that we have for the future. We have taken real steps to be sure we achieve this plan. For example, we have called to reserve ...
Tenses. To speak about a timetable, use the present simple: Next term runs from 1 September until 16 December. To speak about a future arrangement, use the present continuous: Mr Toshiko is coming to our next meeting. To speak about a plan, use 'be going to': Next term we are going to learn about pollution.