Academic Reporting Verbs - Academic English UK
Reporting verbs There are many different reporting verbs in academic English writing. Here is a list of the most common reporting verbs, what they mean and sample sentences to show you how they can be used.
Reporting verbs - EAP Foundation
In academic writing, you will need to cite (or 'refer to') other people's work or ideas. In order to do this accurately, you will need to use reporting verbs to link your in-text citation to the information cited. This section looks at what …
Reporting verbs - EAP Foundation › writing › referencesIn academic writing, you will need to cite (or 'refer to') other people's work or ideas. In order to do this accurately, you will need to use reporting verbs to link your in-text citation to the information cited. This section looks at what reporting verbs are, then looks at the strength and grammar of reporting verbs.
Reporting Verbs › grammardescribe, show, reveal, study, demonstate, note, point out, indicate, report, observe, assume, take into consideration, examine, go on to say ...
Reporting Verbs in English: List with Examples & …
Reporting verbs in academic writing. In academic writing, reporting verbs are used when you want to refer to what another person has said. You do this to strengthen your own argument and to show that other academics think the …
Reporting Verbs in English: List with Examples & Exercises › rep...5. Academic reporting verb + that ... Verbs: Point out, find, observe, state, agree, believe, assert, claim, contend, explain, guess, assert, imply, reason, prove ...