Existence Uniqueness Theorem
users.math.msu.edu › users › newhous7Theorem (Existence and Uniqueness Theorem for ODE). Suppose f(t;x) is continuous in the open set D Rn+1 and is locally Lipschitz in xin D. Let (t 0;x 0) 2D. Then, the initial value problem x_ = f(t;x);x(t 0) = x 0 (1) has a unique solution de ned in a small interval Iabout t 0 in R. Proof. Let Ube an open neighborhood about (t 0;x 0) in Dso that
LAB #3 The Existence and Uniqueness Theorems
www.math.purdue.edu › ~brown00 › lab3The following constitute the Existence and Uniqueness Theorems from the text: Existence Theorem: If f(t;x) is de ned and continuous on a rectangle R in the tx-plane, then given any point (t 0;x 0) 2R, the initial value problem x0= f(t;x)andx(t 0)=x 0 has a solution x(t) de ned in an interval containing t 0. Uniqueness Theorem: If f(t;x) and @f @x