Expanded Noun Phrases - Weobley Primary
weobleyprimary.com › wp-content › uploadsSpot the Noun Phrase A noun phrase is a group of words that have a noun as a key word: Expanded noun phrases help us to make our writing more detailed and specific. Without these, our writing would be more difficult to understand and not as interesting. the year two class the girl the well behaved year two class the polite, young girl
Expanded Noun Phrases - grangeton.uk
www.grangeton.uk › wp-content › uploads6. A large, dark rain cloud hung over the house. SP.GI twinkl planit Adjectives for Effect Read through the Jollowing descriptions For each one, underline the noun that (s being described in the expanded noun phrase. put a circle around the adjectives that have been added to the noun to make the expanded noun phrase. l.