Exponent Calculator
www.calculator.net › exponent-calculator1. 4. When exponents are raised to another exponent, the exponents are multiplied. (a m) n = a (m × n) EX: (2 2) 4 = 4 4 = 256. (2 2) 4 = 2 (2 × 4) = 2 8 = 256. When multiplied bases are raised to an exponent, the exponent is distributed to both bases. (a × b) n = a n × b n. EX: (2 × 4) 2 = 8 2 = 64.
Algebra Calculator with Steps - Open Omnia
https://www.openomnia.com/algebraSimplify, Expand, Factor. Use the keypad below to enter an expression. Use the keypad given to enter algebra expression. Here are a few examples of what you can enter. Click on "SOLVE" to process the expression you entered. Processes the expression entered. Removes all text in the textfield. Deletes the last element before the cursor.
Exponent Calculator - RapidTables.com
www.rapidtables.com › calc › mathExponents laws and rules. The exponent formula is: a n = a×a×...×a. n times. The base a is raised to the power of n, is equal to n times multiplication of a. For example: 2 5 = 2×2×2×2×2 = 32. Multiplying exponents. a n ⋅ a m = a n+m. Example: 2 3 ⋅ 2 4 = 2 (3+4) = 2 7 = 128 . a n ⋅ b n = (a ⋅ b) n. Example: 3 2 ⋅ 4 2 = (3⋅4) 2 = 12 2 = 144 . Dividing exponents. a n / a m = a n-m