22.08.2011 · Mathematica: Extract numerical value when using Solve. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 5 months ago. Active 10 years, 5 months ago. Viewed 18k times 7 1. In Mathematica, calling Solve, returns a list of rules, e.g., In[1]:= g = Solve[(x ...
Aug 23, 2011 · In Mathematica, calling Solve, returns a list of rules, e.g., In[1]:= g = Solve[(x - 1) (x - 2) == 0, x] Out[1]= {{x -> 1}, {x -> 2}} How can I extract the numerical values 1 or 2 from g? I tried using Part e.g., g[[1]] but it returns {x -> 1} and not 1. Please advise.
Export["dest. ext", expr] exports data to a file, converting it to the format corresponding to the file extension ext. Export[dest, expr, "fmt"] exports data in the specified format " fmt". Export[dest, exprs, elements] exports data by treating exprs as elements. Export[dest, exprs, elements, options] uses the specified options.
You can use Extract [ expr, …, Hold] to extract parts without evaluation. ». If expr is a SparseArray object or structured array, Extract [ expr, …] extracts parts in the corresponding ordinary array. ». Extract works on Association objects, using the same specification for keys as in Part.
VideoExtractFrames[video, t] extracts a frame at time t from video. VideoExtractFrames[video, tspec] extracts video frames at time specification tspec.
Extract[expr, pos] extracts the part of expr at the position specified by pos. Extract[expr, {pos1, pos2, ...}] extracts a list of parts of expr. Extract[expr, pos, h] extracts parts of expr, wrapping each of them with head h before evaluation. Extract[pos] represents an operator form of Extract that can be applied to an expression.
Aug 31, 2016 · Since I do not like the style of the Mathematica plots, I prefer to extract the data points and use other programs to get publish quality plots. Plot, extract data to a file. In this page, it is explained how to extract data points from already drawn figure in Mathematica. However, this command does not work if the function is piecewise continous.
... treat any kind of collection of objects as a single entity. Sometimes you need to pick out or extract individual elements or groups of elements from a list.
Extract Values from Dates and Times » Do Celestial Time Calculations » Use Dates in Astronomical Calculations » Filter Data by Date » Mathematica Try Buy Mathematica 12.3 is available
Mathematica returns the nested list, because in general there will be multiple solutions with multiple variables. The most robust way of extracting the RHS of a replacement rule is to actually use it, e.g.
Import["file","Table"] will handle many kinds of tabular data, automatically deducing the details of the format whenever possible. Export["file",list,"Table"] writes out data separated by tabs, with numbers given in C or Fortran-like form, as in 2.3E5 and so on. Import and Export can handle not only tabular data, but also data corresponding to graphics, sounds, expressions and even …
Use TimeSeriesWindow to extract a subset of a time series. In[1]:= X ... Mathematica. Try Buy Mathematica 13 is available on Windows, macOS, Linux & Cloud. ...
Mathematica uses the standard commands "+" and "-" to add or subtract two matrices of the same dimensions. Remember that you cannot add or subtract matrices of distinct dimensions, and Mathematica will not allow you to perform such operations. However, it is possible to enlarge the lowest size by appending zeroes and then add/subtract the matrices.
The Wolfram Language has many matrix operations that support operations such as building, computing, and visualizing matrices. It also has a rich language for picking out and extracting parts of matrices. Define the following matrix. Note how a matrix in the Wolfram Language is not restricted to number entries: Copy to clipboard. In [1]:=. 1. .
30.08.2016 · Since I do not like the style of the Mathematica plots, I prefer to extract the data points and use other programs to get publish quality plots. Plot, extract data to a file. In this page, it is explained how to extract data points from already drawn figure in Mathematica. However, this command does not work if the function is piecewise continous.