Hacked and Fake Accounts. Your account should represent you, and only you should have access to your account. If someone gains access to your account, or creates an account to pretend to be you or someone else, we want to help. We also encourage you to let us know about accounts that represent fake or fictional people, pets, celebrities or ...
yes it is possible that some has hacked your facebook account if it is deactivated but the other possibility is that someone has reported you as the fake or ...
Hacked and Fake Accounts. Your account should represent you, and only you should have access to your account. If someone gains access to your account, or creates an account to pretend to be you or someone else, we want to help. We also encourage you to let us know about accounts that represent fake or fictional people, pets, celebrities or ...
1. Visit Facebook's hacking reporting page (link in Resources), and click through to "My Account is Compromised." · 2. Enter the email used to create your ...
Oct 12, 2020 · Let’s get into the reason that Facebook disabled my account. Someone hacked my Facebook profile and posted pictures of the Taliban doing really horrible things to Americans. They changed my profile picture and uploaded a lot of photos that were horrible. Now, I understand why Facebook would want to pause my account and deactivate my account ...
Your account may have been hacked if you notice: Your email or password have changed. Your name or birthday have changed. Friend requests have been sent to people you don't know. …
We may disable or delete your account if it appears to have been hacked or compromised and we are unable to confirm ownership of the account after a year, ...
Jan 23, 2022 · If the hacker hasn’t changed it, Facebook will allow you to cancel deletion of your account. Skip to “Step 5.” For mobile, type in the last password you’ve used. If it checks out, Facebook will...
What’s Facebook’s policy on disabling or deleting hacked, unused or unconfirmed accounts? Removing hacked, unused, or unconfirmed accounts helps reduce the amount of potential abuse on our platform and protects the privacy, integrity and security of your data and your account.