Factorization - MATLAB factor
www.mathworks.com › help › symbolicFactor the polynomial y for factors containing symbolic variables b and c. syms a b c d y = -a*b^5*c*d* (a^2 - 1)* (a*d - b*c); F = factor (y, [b c]) F = [ -a*d* (a - 1)* (a + 1), b, b, b, b, b, c, a*d - b*c] factor combines all factors without b or c into the first element of F.
Factoring Polynomials in Matlab - Stanford University
ccrma.stanford.edu › ~jos › mdftFactoring Polynomials in Matlab. Factoring Polynomials. in. Matlab. Let's find all roots of the polynomial. >> % polynomial = array of coefficients in matlab: >> p = [1 0 0 0 5 7]; % p (x) = x^5 + 5*x + 7 >> format long; % print double-precision >> roots (p) % print out the roots of p (x) ans = 1.30051917307206 + 1.10944723819596i 1.30051917307206 - 1.10944723819596i -0.75504792501755 + 1.27501061923774i -0.75504792501755 - 1.27501061923774i -1.09094249610903.
Factoring Polynomials in Matlab | Mathematics of the DFT
www.dsprelated.com › freebooks › mdftFactoring Polynomials in Matlab. Let's find all roots of the polynomial. >> % polynomial = array of coefficients in matlab: >> p = [1 0 0 0 5 7]; % p (x) = x^5 + 5*x + 7 >> format long; % print double-precision >> roots (p) % print out the roots of p (x) ans = 1.30051917307206 + 1.10944723819596i 1.30051917307206 - 1.10944723819596i -0.75504792501755 + 1.27501061923774i -0.75504792501755 - 1.27501061923774i -1.09094249610903.