18.06.2015 · Veeam B&R 8 ad Synology DS215J-repository only as SMB. im Using Veeam B&R and tried to add My Synology DS215J (Firmware: DSM_DS215j_5565.pat) as an repository Server as an Linux Server with SSH. I think that the Synology DS215J with Firmware DSM_DS215j_5565.pat isnt able to be used as an repository in veeam.
30.11.2018 · Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: [Resolved] Support Case #03305036 - Failed to start a repository agent of Servers & Workstations
08.01.2021 · 1. Veeam Server, This is usually what people call the Veeam Backup & Replication (9.x or 10.x) Server but to differentiate, I call it the Veeam Server. - Usually runs on Windows Server OS. - Can be a VM or physical server (if you need eSATA connection to tape library) or if the physical server have lots of storage.
12.09.2019 · This is almost certainly the issue as we could successfully backup a VM running on another hyper-v host from my Veeam server. Oddly, this other hyper-v host has all the same patches as my main hyper-v host. It just doesn't have the iSCSI connections. Having re-read the Veeam KB2289 article, it would have been helpful if the 'solution' mentioned ...
27.04.2012 · Solution. These are the most common situations that we recommend checking: 1. Make sure Veeam ONE Monitor Server service is up and running. 1. The name of the Veeam ONE Monitor Server is correctly specified in the Veeam ONE Monitor client settings. 2. The Veeam ONE Monitor Server is reachable from the machine where Veeam ONE Monitor …
27.03.2017 · Failed to start service ‘VeeamDeploySvc’ when adding Hyper-V host ... Note as below that the Veeam Data Mover Service starts, but the Installer Service is not running and cannot be started: ... You should be able to add the host now …
Then stop all Jobs and restart Veeam Backup service. Search. RSSing.com ... [timestamp] <01> Error Failed to start client agent on the host '***.***.*.
20.02.2019 · Failed to start service 'VeeamDeploySvc'. Host: 'server###.domainname.org'. Failed to start deployment service on the target host. I believe because the server is windows 2000 that this is the issue. It has software on it and need to have backups of this server for restore. I've looked on another windows 2000 client but I am unable to find its ...
27.02.2012 · He loaded it on his NAS, and I can see/access the files when I added a "Linux" server through the Veeam interface. The "Backups" section shows the backups that were copied, so I believe it can "see" them OK. However, when I try to change the job to use the new repository, it fails with "Failed to start client agent on the host (hostname).