False Position Method
d32ogoqmya1dw8.cloudfront.net › files › matlabFalse Position Method Enter the function same way as you entered before. function [ iter ] = myfalsep4(f, a,b, tol,n) %UNTITLED3 Summary of this function goes here--please write % Detailed explanation goes here -please write % % % % format long x1=a;x2=b; iter=0; f1=feval(f,x1); f2=feval(f,x2); %if u*v<0 % display(' false position')
Topic 10.2: False-Position Method (Matlab)
ece.uwaterloo.ca › falseposition › matlabThe false-position method in Matlab is quite straight-forward. Assume a file f.m with contents. function y = f (x) y = x^3 - 2; exists. Then: >> format long >> eps_abs = 1e-5; >> eps_step = 1e-5; >> a = 0.0; >> b = 2.0; >> step_size = Inf; >> while (step_size >= eps_step || ( abs ( f (a) ) >= eps_abs && abs ( f (b) ) >= eps_abs ) ) c = (f (a)*b - f (b)*a)/ (f (a) - f (b)); if ( f (c) == 0 ) break; elseif ( f (a)*f (c) < 0 ) step_size = b - c; b = c; else step_size = c - a; a = c;
False Position Method in MATLAB - IN2TECHS
in2techs.com › false-position-methodNov 21, 2020 · False Position Method Function. function [xr,err] = false_position (f,xl,xu,tol,n_iters) xr = 0; xr_prev = 0; itr = 0; xerr = tol+1; err = []; while (itr < n_iters && xerr > tol) if f (xl)*f (xu) < 0 xr = xu- ( (f (xu)* (xl-xu))/ (f (xl)-f (xu))); xerr = abs (xr - xr_prev); err (length (err)+1) = xerr; itr = itr + 1; xr_prev = xr; if f (xl)*f (xr) < 0 xu = xr; elseif f (xr)*f (xu) < 0 xl = xr; else break end else break end end end.