· Making neural nets uncool again of our core missions with is to train people in different domains to use machine learning for themselves, as they best understand the problems in their domain and what is needed. There are many myths that you need a super-elite background to use techniques like deep learning, but it’s not magic.
Welcome to fastai | fastai · fastai is a deep learning library which provides practitioners with high-level components that can quickly and easily provide state-of-the-art results in standard deep learning domains, and provides researchers with low-level components that can be mixed and matched to build new approaches.
Documentation For Developers | fastai For Developers If you’re planning on working on the fastai library source code and/or documentation, please make sure to familiarize yourself with the following documents. Note: if you’re simply using the library, rather than wanting to modify it, …
Notes For Developers - · cd fastai pip install -e ". [dev]" It’s almost the same as: pip install -e . but adding [dev] tells pip to install optional packages in the dev group of the dev_requirements dictionary variable in fastai/ These extra dependencies are needed only by developers and contributors. It’s best not to use python develop method doc.
Welcome to nbdev | nbdev 29, 2021 · nbdev and fastai. nbdev is a library that allows you to develop a python library in Jupyter Notebooks, putting all your code, tests and documentation in one place. That is: you now have a true literate programming environment, as envisioned by Donald Knuth back in 1983! nbdev makes debugging and refactoring your code much easier relative to ...
Notes For Developers - › dev › developNov 29, 2021 · Development Editable Install. To do an editable install, from inside the cloned fastai directory: cd fastai pip install -e ". [dev]" It’s almost the same as: pip install -e . but adding [dev] tells pip to install optional packages in the dev group of the dev_requirements dictionary variable in fastai/
Welcome to fastai | fastai 07, 2021 · About fastai. fastai is a deep learning library which provides practitioners with high-level components that can quickly and easily provide state-of-the-art results in standard deep learning domains, and provides researchers with low-level components that can be mixed and matched to build new approaches. · Making neural nets uncool again Spike Protein Impairment of Endothelial Function Does Not Impact Vaccine Safety 27 Oct 2021 Jeremy Howard and Uri Manor. My colleague Dr Uri Manor was a senior author on a study in March this year which has become the most discussed paper in the history of Circulation Research and is in the top 0.005% of discussed papers across all topics.
Pull requests made easy - › dev-setupNov 29, 2021 · Post-PR steps. In order to contribute to fastai (or any library... or indeed most open source software!) you'll need to make a pull request, also known as a PR. Here's an example of a pull request. In this case, you can see from the description that it's something that fixes some typos in the library. If you click on "Files changed" on ...
Welcome to nbdev | nbdev · nbdev and fastai nbdev has been used to build innovative software used by many developers, such as fastai, a deep learning library which implements a unique layered api and callback system, and fastcore, an extension to the Python programming language.