Lesson 3 - Cross-Validation | walkwithfastai
https://walkwithfastai.com/Cross_ValidationTaking fastai to the next level. ... import IntToFloatTensor, Normalize, ToTensor, IndexSplitter, get_image_files, parent_label, Categorize from fastai.metrics import accuracy from fastai.vision.augment import aug_transforms, RandomResizedCrop from fastai.vision ... (valid_idx): "Split `items` so that `val_idx` are in the validation set and the ...
Metrics | fastai
https://docs.fast.ai/metrics.htmlskm_to_fastai ( func, is_class = True, thresh = None, axis = -1, activation = None, ** kwargs) Convert func from sklearn.metrics to a fastai metric. This is the quickest way to use a scikit-learn metric in a fastai training loop. is_class indicates if you are in a classification problem or not. In this case: setting a value for thresh indicates ...
Learner, Metrics, and Basic Callbacks | fastai
https://docs.fast.ai/learner29.11.2021 · Each Callback is registered as an attribute of Learner (with camel case). At creation, all the callbacks in defaults.callbacks ( TrainEvalCallback, Recorder and ProgressCallback) are associated to the Learner. metrics is an optional list of metrics, that can be either functions or Metric s (see below). path and model_dir are used to save and/or ...