Loss Functions | fastai
https://docs.fast.ai/losses.html07.11.2021 · Custom fastai loss functions. We present a general Dice loss for segmentation tasks. It is commonly used together with CrossEntropyLoss or FocalLoss in kaggle competitions. This is very similar to the DiceMulti metric, but to be able to derivate through, we replace the argmax activation by a softmax and compare this with a one-hot encoded target mask.
Loss Functions | timmdocs
fastai.github.io › timmdocs › lossMar 09, 2021 · Same as NLL loss with label smoothing. Label smoothing increases loss when the model is correct x and decreases loss when model is incorrect x_i. Use this to not punish model as harshly, such as when incorrect labels are expected. x = torch.eye(2) x_i = 1 - x y = torch.arange(2)
Loss Functions - Google Colab
colab.research.google.com › github › fastaiWrapping a general loss function inside of BaseLoss provides extra functionalities to your loss functions: flattens the tensors before trying to take the losses since it's more convenient (with a potential tranpose to put axis at the end) a potential activation method that tells the library if there is an activation fused in the loss (useful ...
Loss Functions | fastai
docs.fast.ai › lossesNov 07, 2021 · Custom fastai loss functions. We present a general Dice loss for segmentation tasks. It is commonly used together with CrossEntropyLoss or FocalLoss in kaggle competitions. This is very similar to the DiceMulti metric, but to be able to derivate through, we replace the argmax activation by a softmax and compare this with a one-hot encoded target mask.