Welcome to fastai | fastai
https://docs.fast.ai07.11.2021 · To see what's possible with fastai, take a look at the Quick Start, which shows how to use around 5 lines of code to build an image classifier, an image segmentation model, a text sentiment model, a recommendation system, and a tabular model. For each of the applications, the code is much the same.
Core text modules | fastai
https://docs.fast.ai/text.models.core07.11.2021 · Core text modules | fastai Core text modules Contain the modules common between different architectures and the generic functions to get models Language models class LinearDecoder class SequentialRNN get_language_model Classification models class SentenceEncoder masked_concat_pool class PoolingLinearClassifier get_text_classifier …
Callbacks | fastai
https://docs.fast.ai/callback.core.html07.11.2021 · Callbacks can occur at any of these times:: after_create before_fit before_epoch before_train before_batch after_pred after_loss before_backward before_step after_step after_cancel_batch after_batch after_cancel_train after_train before_validate after_cancel_validate after_validate after_cancel_epoch after_epoch after_cancel_fit after_fit.
Models API and Pretrained weights | timmdocs
https://fastai.github.io/timmdocs/models09.03.2021 · In the example above, we randomly select a model name in timm.list_models(), create it and pass some dummy input data through the model to get some output.In general, you never want to create random models like this, and it's only an example to showcase that all models in timm.list_models() are supported by timm.create_model() function. It's really that …
Productionizing Fastai Models with BentoML | by JJmachan ...
towardsdatascience.com › productionizing-fastaiFeb 05, 2021 · now let's build a useful model to train to start off. FastAI Dog v/s Cat. All those who have gone through the course will have already build this model and seen it in action. It's a simple model, to identify given a picture whether its a dog or a cat. It’s part of the official FastAI tutorial and you can check it out to dig deeper into it. (Those who have not gone through the tutorial or are new to the FastAI library, I’d recommend going through the Fastai tutorial first to get a better ...
Optimizers | fastai
https://docs.fast.ai/optimizerRAdam ( params, lr, mom = 0.9, sqr_mom = 0.99, eps = 1e-05, wd = 0.0, beta = 0.0, decouple_wd = True) A Optimizer for Adam with lr, mom, sqr_mom, eps and params. This is the effective correction reported to the adam step for 500 iterations in RAdam. We can see how it goes from 0 to 1, mimicking the effect of a warm-up.
Welcome to fastai | fastai
docs.fast.aiNov 07, 2021 · A novel 2-way callback system that can access any part of the data, model, or optimizer and change it at any point during training. A new data block API. And much more... fastai is organized around two main design goals: to be approachable and rapidly productive, while also being deeply hackable and configurable.
text.models | fastai
https://fastai1.fast.ai/text.models.html05.01.2021 · text.models module fully implements the encoder for an AWD-LSTM, the transformer model and the transformer XL model.They can then be plugged in with a decoder to make a language model, or some classifying layers to make a text classifier.
Tabular model | fastai
https://docs.fast.ai/tabular.model07.11.2021 · Tabular model | fastai Tabular model A basic model that can be used on tabular data Embeddings emb_sz_rule get_emb_sz class TabularModel tabular_config Embeddings emb_sz_rule [source] emb_sz_rule ( n_cat) Rule of thumb to pick embedding size corresponding to n_cat Through trial and error, this general rule takes the lower of two values:
text.models | fastai
fastai1.fast.ai › textJan 05, 2021 · text.models module fully implements the encoder for an AWD-LSTM, the transformer model and the transformer XL model.They can then be plugged in with a decoder to make a language model, or some classifying layers to make a text classifier.