19.11.2020 · Adding value as a Data Scientist: Utilizing Docker, FASTAPI, and AWS Beanstalk to solve real world issues in Rwanda. ... The next step in setting up the architecture of our project was to deploy my dockerized API to AWS Beanstalk. AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications.
31.08.2021 · AWS Elastic Beanstalk; AWS Batch; AWS Elastic Container Service (ECS) Each of these services vary in cost, complexity and features. For this blog we will focus on deploying to AWS Lambda and AWS Elastic Beanstalk; I find these services the easiest to use and most of my prototypes and applications are deployed onto them.
18.06.2018 · Elastic Beanstalk can be used for deploying and scaling web applications. It allows you to upload your code and handles load balancing, logs and metrics management, alerting, application version management, and DNS resolution transparently. The scope of this post is to recreate the same API as in the last example, this time using Akka HTTP as ...
My team chose to build our API with the FASTAPI framework because it is ... AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web ...
06.04.2021 · This video covers how to deploy a Python FastAPI app and a PostgreSQL database to AWS Elastic Beanstalk and RDS using PulumiThe example code for this project...
... how to build a data science app using FastAPI framework, Use Docker or Pipenv for your environment, then Deploy to AWS Elastic BeanStalk using Docker.
03.03.2021 · Deploy FastAPI Application to Elastic Beanstalk To deploy the FastAPI application, first step is to initialize EB CLI repository with the eb init command, like ‘eb init — platform python-3.7 — region us-east-1 CHOOSE-YOUR-NAME’.
31.10.2020 · Ready for Launch: API Deployment With FastAPI and AWS. One of the great things about learning data science at Lambda School is that after all of the sprint challenges, assessments, and code ...
15.06.2020 · python amazon-elastic-beanstalk fastapi. Share. Improve this question. Follow asked Jun 16 '20 at 9:24. user1903663 user1903663. 1,501 2 2 gold badges 19 19 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges. 3. Why you are using uvicorn.run in your code? It's unnecesarry if you are running with Procfile.