Fcitx - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
wiki.archlinux.org › title › Fcitxfcitx-chewing is a popular Zhuyin input engine for Traditional Chinese based on libchewing. fcitx-cloudpinyin uses internet sources to provide input candidates. The selected cloud result will be added to local dictionary. It support all fcitx pinyin input method except fcitx-rime.
Install and Configure - Fcitx
fcitx-im.org › wiki › Install_and_ConfigureAs Fcitx developers, we are trying our best to work with common distribution packager, and make sure we notfiy every necessary change to those packager. So install from offical repo is the easiest and safest way. Info: All the information below (except Other) is for people who install fcitx from their repository.
Arch Linux i3wm 的安装与配置 - swwind's blog
https://blog.swwind.me/post/archlinux-setupsudo pacman -S xorg i3-gaps polybar dunst fcitx compton xorg-init curl \ zsh wqy-microhei wqy-zenhei pulseaudio pulseaudio-alsa \ pamixer nitrogen lxappearance pavucontrol polkit-gnome fcitx-{gtk2,gtk3,qt4,qt5} \ pikaur xfce4-terminal nerd-fonts-complete flameshot git playerctl python-gobject \ libsodium xclip thunar # 下面是夹带的私货 sudo pacman -S google-chrome …