Ubuntu vs. Fedora : FindMeADistro - reddit
www.reddit.com › comments › ay0x94Ubuntu vs. Fedora I've heard plenty of compelling reasons as to why almost anything is better than Ubuntu, but I've also heard recently that Fedora is a competitor for ease-of-use. I've tried Ubuntu before and could never quite get it set up for my machine at the time, regardless of the machine in question, and now that I'm using a 2700X ...
Ubuntu vs Fedora? : linuxmasterrace - reddit
www.reddit.com › comments › i45jygI voted Fedora because I use Fedora. I use Fedora because I have found it better suited for my needs than Ubuntu. It's where I ended up after distro hopping. This does not mean that it's gonna be my last resort. Who knows. So what you should do is distro hop and find yourself a home. There are more out there than Fedora and Ubuntu.
Fedora vs Ubuntu - reddit
www.reddit.com › comments › 2yxb7a1.) I use default fonts. No problems with them. 2.) Yes. 3.) Being bleeding edge and easy to customize. 4.) No. Probably I'm not the best authority on Fedora vs Ubuntu because I am heavily biased against Ubuntu, but in my experience, Fedora's community does a better job at providing support and help if you ever run into issues.
Ubuntu vs Fedora - reddit
www.reddit.com › comments › i477ubUbuntu is very broken, I had suffered with new graphic cards updates, the broken libraries they have and that gets slower with the pass of time. Fedora is a lighting bolt. But, because I need long term support software I returned to CentOS 7. View Entire Discussion (9 Comments) 24. Posted by. u/k4ever07.