https://mega.efeide.noeTavle er en egen skoleportal knyttet til FEIDE. Portalen tilpasser seg den enkelte lærer og elev sin hverdag, med mulighet for egne startsider for elever, ...
Login - Studentweb
studentweb.uio.noJan 12, 2021 · ID-porten. ID-porten is an identification portal at the Norwegian Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi) which provides secure logon with an electronic ID (e-ID) from MinID, BankID, Buypass and Commfides. Log in using ID-porten. Log in using your Norwegian ID number and PIN code. Norwegian ID (11 digits): PIN code (4 digits): Log in.
Login Canvas - USN
usn.instructure.com › courses › 17550Students and employees at USN, or external Feide users. Login if you do not have a FEIDE user. Note: This login does not give access to external tools (LTI) in Canvas that requires FEIDE. Tip! (Important if you do not read Norwegian) - How to change language settings in Canvas! All external users: a user account must exist in USN Canvas.
Feide kundeportal
https://kunde.feide.noWelcome to Feide Customer Portal. Administrators at schools, municipalities, county municipalities, universities and other host organizations log in to the customer portal with their regular Feide user. Service providers and other organizations that are not affiliated with a host organization in Feide must log in with an OpenIdP user.
https://mega.efeide.no/index.htmlSkoleportal. eTavle er en egen skoleportal knyttet til FEIDE. Portalen tilpasser seg den enkelte lærer og elev sin hverdag, med mulighet for egne startsider for elever, lærere eller en skole.
skole.ntg.noskole.ntg.no. Office 365 Teams IST Everyday -. for elever IST Everyday -. for foresatte IST Everyday -. for lærere Nasjonal Digital Læringsarena Tilgjengelige Feide-tjenester Min Feide-konto (nytt passord) Glemt passord Digital eksamen -. VGS Digital eksamen -. Ungdomsskole SafeQ (virker kun på skolens nett) Fagdokumentasjon VGS.
Feide kundeportal
kunde.feide.noFeide is a service provided by Uninett in collaboration with the Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training and Unit – the Norwegian Directorate for ICT and Joint Services in Higher Education & Research.