Field Hockey Rules - JMU › _rules › field-hockey-rulesRULE 1 – THE FIELD OF PLAY SECTION 1 – SIZE OF THE FIELD Article 1. The field of play is rectangular, approximately 80 yards in length and 40 yards in width. SECTION 2 – MARKINGS Article 1. Side lines mark the longer perimeters of the field, and back lines mark the shorter perimeters of the field. Article 2.
Field hockey - Wikipedia game is played between two teams of eleven, 10 field players and one goal keeper, are permitted to be on the pitch at any one time. The remaining players may be substituted in any combination. There is an unlimited number of times a team can sub in and out. Substitutions are permitted at any point in the game, apart from between the award and end of a penalty corner; two exceptions to this rule is for injury or suspension of the defending goalkeeper, which is not allow…
Field Hockey Rules Handout › wp-content › uploadsBasic Field Hockey Rules Page 2 of 4 Fouls • Advancing – advancing the ball by any means other than the stick; using any part of the body to propel, deflect or stop the ball to a team’s advantage; playing the ball with the rounded side of the stick; incidental contact that does not change the play is not called in most cases.