Education in Finland - Wikipedia › wiki › Education_in_FinlandThe compulsory educational system in Finland consists of a nine-year comprehensive school from 1st to 9th grade, (Finnish peruskoulu, Swedish grundskola, "basic school"), and with new legislation, the compulsory education was expanded to ages of 7 to 18 and to include upper secondary school (Finnish lukio, Swedish gymnasium) or vocational school (Finnish ammattikoulu, Swedish yrkesskola ...
Finland | Skolesystemet › finlandSkolesystemet i. Finland. OPBYGNING: Finland går gennemsnitligt 2 år kortere i skole end man gør i Danmark, samtidig er deres skoledage kortere, men alligevel ligger de højere end Danmark i stort set alle test. De kører efter nogle principper som man skal overholde, et af dem er fx at forældre ikke må komme ind på skolen fra 8-16.