DC Circuits: First-Order Circuits
faraday.emu.edu.tr › eeng223 › lecture_notesFirst-Order Circuits: The Source-Free RC Circuits V 0 • This is a first-order differential equation, since only the first derivative of v is involved. • Rearranging the terms: • Integrating both sides: • ln A is the integration constant. Thus • Taking powers of e produces: • From the initial conditions: v(0)=A=V 0
First Order Circuits
opencourses.emu.edu.tr › First_Order_CircuitsFirst Order Circuits General form of the D.E. and the response for a 1st-order source-free circuit zIn general, a first-order D.E. has the form: dx 1 x(t) 0 for t 0 dt τ +=≥ Solving this differential equation (as we did with the RC circuit) yields:-t x(t) =≥ x(0)eτ for t 0 where τ= (Greek letter “Tau”) = time constant (in seconds)
First-Order RC and RL Transient Circuits
www.cs.cmu.edu › ~tdear › eeFirst-Order RC and RL Transient Circuits When we studied resistive circuits, we never really explored the concept of transients, or circuit responses to sudden changes in a circuit. That is not to say we couldn’t have done so; rather, it was not very interesting, as purely resistive circuits have no concept of time.