1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person - English Grammar
https://english-the-easy-way.com › ...1st Person Singular, I, Me, My - Mine. 1st Person Singular, We, Us, Our - Ours. 2nd Person Singular, You, You, Your - Yours. 2st Person Plural, You ...
First Person Plural: Short Stories
engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu › cgi › viewcontentFirst Person Plural. after observing that one of the most prominent motifs common among these stories concerns the instability and multiplicity of identity. That this should be a particular preoccupation of mine comes as little surprise to me, as my mother has long suffered from (among other diagnoses) Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).
Examples of Writing in First Person
examples.yourdictionary.com › examples-of-writingFirst Person Writing Examples From Literature. When authors use the first-person point of view in their writing, they use I, me and my to show that the narrator is a character in the story. The writer may also use the plural first person: we, us and our. The narrator may be the main character, an antagonist or a minor character observing the ...