ocw.metu.edu.tr › pluginfile › 2284The probability density function of the Normal distribution is symmetric about its mean value, and this distribution cannot be used to model right-skewed or left-skewed data: It Is Unbounded The Normal distribution is defined on the entire real axis (-Infinity, +Infinity), and if the nature of your
Fitting of statistical data points by Normal distribution
https://mathematica.stackexchange.com/questions/153520/fitting-of-statistical-data...10.08.2017 · Here is the fit to your data, based on a normal distribution: FindFit [data, a PDF [NormalDistribution [μ, σ], x], {a, μ, σ}, x] (* {a -> 37.2923, μ -> 0.134454, σ -> 0.834692} *) Show [ ListPlot [data, PlotStyle -> Red], Plot [37.2923 PDF [NormalDistribution [0.134454, 0.834692], x], {x, -3, 3}] ] Share Improve this answer