Flow Free - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsFlow Free. Enjoy this game for free, plus hundreds more free of ads and in-app purchases, with a Google Play Pass subscription. Try free for 1 month. Flow Free® is a simple yet addictive puzzle game. Connect matching colors with pipe to create a Flow®. Pair all colors, and cover the entire board to solve each puzzle in Flow Free.
Flo og Fjære on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › app+ Tidevannsverdiene er tilgjengelig i sjøkartnull, middelvann og NN2000. Disse er i centimeter over eller under referansepunktet. + Om du bruker GPS-funksjonen vil den vise mer nøyaktige tidevannsdata der du er, i motsetning til valgt målestasjon et stykke unna. + Pen og enkel widget som viser deg…
ovulation calendar, period tracker, and pregnancy app - Flo
flo.healthGet AI-based cycle predictions. Flo gives you the most precise AI-based period and ovulation predictions by tracking 70+ body signals like cramps, discharge, headaches and more. Identify your body’s patterns. Understand your unique symptoms, find cycle patterns and know if what you experience is normal. Get expert insights when you need them.
Tidevann - Apps on Google Play
play.google.com › store › appsBrand new design made in 2019! The app uses your location to find out when it is floating and when it is low. Functionality of the app: - Use your location to find when it is floating or low. - Show river and river for 10 days ahead. - Show moon status, how big it is and whether it grows or shrinks.
Fjære og Flo on the App Store
apps.apple.com › us › app2017 data tilgjengelig fra 4.januar..Få oversikt over flo og fjære tidspunkter, månefase samt tidevanns verdier i en pen grafisk innpakning! - Støtter referanse nivåene: Sjøkartnull, Middelvann, og NN1954 -Appen gir deg tidspunktet for flo, fjære og informasjon om de beregnete tidevanns høydene i c…