Using Fluid with React › docs › recipesThe project is created in a subfolder named fluid-react-tutorial. Navigate to it with the command cd fluid-react-tutorial. The project uses two Fluid libraries: Run the following command to install the libraries. npm install @fluidframework/tinylicious-client fluid-framework Code the project # Open the file \src\App.js in your code editor.
Fluid Framework Documentation Framework works with your application framework of choice. Whether you prefer straight JavaScript or a framework like React, Angular, or Vue, Fluid Framework makes building collaborative experiences simple and flexible. How Fluid works # Fluid was designed to deliver collaborative experiences with blazing performance.
Fluid Framework Documentation › docsFluid Framework works with your application framework of choice. Whether you prefer straight JavaScript or a framework like React, Angular, or Vue, Fluid Framework makes building collaborative experiences simple and flexible. How Fluid works # Fluid was designed to deliver collaborative experiences with blazing performance.
Examples - Fluid Framework › docs › startThe sticky notes brainstorming app shows how simple experiences become compelling when you make them collaborative. This example uses distributed maps (SharedMaps) to update the state of sticky notes as well as keep track of who added which ideas and who voted for those ideas.