1. a. (prenominal) about to be mentioned, specified, etc: the following items. b. (as noun): will the following please raise their hands?. · 2. (Navigation) (of ...
following noun (GROUP OF PEOPLE) [ C ] a group of people who support, admire, or believe in a particular person, group, or idea: The candidate has a large following among young people.
following ; that follows or moves in the same direction: a following wind. ; that comes after or next in order or time; ensuing: the following day. ; that is now ...
following - going or proceeding or coming after in the same direction; "the crowd of following cars made the occasion seem like a parade"; "tried to outrun the following footsteps" leading - going or proceeding or going in advance; showing the way; "we rode in the leading car"; "the leading edge of technology"
To follow is to go after. If you're watching a TV show, when it's over you might stay on the couch and watch the following show. As a noun, following can ...
following adjective [not gradable] (NEXT) coming or happening after something else in order or time: I’m busy on Thursday, but I’m free the following day. The following items were found – a ring, a wallet, and a watch. following noun us / ˈfɑl·oʊ·ɪŋ / following noun (GROUP OF PEOPLE) [ C ]
Definition of following. (Entry 1 of 3) 1 : being next in order or time the following day. 2 : listed or shown next trains will leave at the following times.
Following: being the one that comes immediately after another. Synonyms: coming, ensuing, next… Antonyms: antecedent, foregoing, precedent… Find the right word.
Definition of FOLLOWING (adjective, preposition, pronoun): after something or because of it; the next one in a series; introducing something you will ...