Forward, Backward and Central Divided Difference › nm › simulationsderivatives using three different methods. Each method uses a point h ahead, behind or both of the given value of x at which the first derivative of f(x) is to be found. Forward Difference Approximation (FDD) f' x z fxCh K fx h Backward Difference Approximation (BDD) f' x z fxK fxKh h Central Difference Approximation (CDD) f' x z fxCh K fxKh 2 ...
Finite difference - Wikipedia Finite difference is often used as an approximation of the derivative, typically in numerical differentiation. The derivative of a function f at a point x is defined by the limit. If h has a fixed (non-zero) value instead of approaching zero, then the right-hand side of the above equation would be written
Forward Difference -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ForwardDifferenceJan 12, 2022 · The forward finite difference is implemented in the Wolfram Language as DifferenceDelta [ f , i ]. Newton's forward difference formula expresses as the sum of the th forward differences. (9) where is the first th difference computed from the difference table. Furthermore, if the differences , , , ..., are known for some fixed value of , then a ...