TorchScript Support — pytorch_geometric 2.0.4 documentation typing import Union, Tuple from torch import Tensor def forward (self, x: Union [Tensor, Tuple [Tensor, Tensor]], edge_index: Tensor)-> Tensor: pass conv (x, edge_index) conv ((x_src, x_dst), edge_index) This technique is, e.g., applied in the SAGEConv class, which can operate on both single node feature matrices and tuples of node feature ...
vision/ at main · pytorch/vision · GitHub › pytorch › visionDec 16, 2021 · def forward (self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor: identity = x: out = self. conv1 (x) out = self. bn1 (out) out = self. relu (out) out = self. conv2 (out) out = self. bn2 (out) if self. downsample is not None: identity = self. downsample (x) out += identity: out = self. relu (out) return out: class Bottleneck (nn. Module): # Bottleneck in torchvision ...
在PyTorch中实现Vision Transformer - 知乎 › p › 348849092import torch import torch.nn.functional as F import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from torch import nn from torch import Tensor from PIL import Image from torchvision.transforms import Compose, Resize, ToTensor from einops import rearrange, reduce, repeat from einops.layers.torch import Rearrange, Reduce from torchsummary import summary
ResNetシリーズのpytorchの公式実装コードの解説 - Qiita › TaiseiYamana › itemsOct 21, 2021 · ReLU (inplace = True) self. downsample = downsample self. stride = stride def forward (self, x: Tensor)-> Tensor: identity = x out = self. conv1 (x) out = self. bn1 (out) out = self. relu (out) out = self. conv2 (out) out = self. bn2 (out) out = self. relu (out) out = self. conv3 (out) out = self. bn3 (out) if self. downsample is not None ...