Fotball – Wikipedia er en ballidrett mellom to lag, hvert bestående av elleve spillere, hvor formålet er å få ballen flest ganger inn i motstanderlagets mål. Idretten utøves på en rektangulær banemed ett mål i hver kortende, og det laget som har fått flest mål når spilletiden er ute, vinner kampen. Spilletiden er normalt 90 minutter. Hvis begge lag har fått like mange mål ved kampens slutt, erklæres kampen fo…
History of American football - Wikipedia › wiki › History_of_American_footballThe history of American football can be traced to early versions of rugby football and association football.Both games have their origin in multiple varieties of football played in the United Kingdom in the mid-19th century, in which a football is kicked at a goal or kicked over a line, which in turn were based on the varieties of English public school football games descending from medieval ...
The history of football (soccer) - Football history
www.footballhistory.orgFootball history. Welcome to, a website about football history including competitions, teams and players. The history of football (soccer) Football (or soccer as the game is called in some parts of the world) has a long history. Football in its current form arose in England in the middle of the 19th century.
fotball – Store norske leksikon · Fotball er et ballspill og en lagidrett der formålet er å score mål, det vil si å få ballen over motstanderens mållinje. Det spilles med to lag. Hvert lag består av elleve spillere, en målvakt (keeper) og ti utespillere. Ballen føres først og fremst med føttene (derav fotball), men utespillerne har lov til å bruke alle kroppsdeler unntatt hender eller armer i spillets gang.
History of football (soccer) - Did you know? › soccerHistory of football (soccer) A sport similar to football (called soccer in the United States and elsewhere) was played 3000 years ago in Japan. Chinese text from 50 BC mentions football-type games between teams from Japan and China. A text dating from 611 AD confirms that football was played in Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan.