Carola - Främling Lyrics | › lyric › 15306437About Främling "Främling" ("Stranger"), written by Lasse Holm and Monica Forsberg and arranged by Lennart Sjöholm, was the song performed by the 16-year-old Carola Häggkvist which won the Swedish Melodifestivalen 1983. At the Eurovision Song Contest 1983 in Munich in the former West Germany the song finished third.
Främling – WikipediaämlingFrämling är ett album av den svenska popsångerskan Carola Häggkvist, släppt 1983. [2] Det var hennes debutalbum.På albumlistorna placerade sig albumet som bäst på första plats i Sverige och på andra plats i Norge.Albumet sålde över 1 000 000 exemplar och är fortfarande det bäst säljande albumet i Sverige någonsin.
Främling (song) - Wikipediaämling_(song)Främling (song) "Främling" ("Stranger"), written by Lasse Holm and Monica Forsberg and arranged by Lennart Sjöholm, was the song performed by the 16-year-old Carola Häggkvist which won the Swedish Melodifestivalen 1983 . At the Eurovision Song Contest 1983 in Munich in the former West Germany the song finished third.
Främling (song) - Wikipedia › wiki › Främling_(song)Främling (song) "Främling" ("Stranger"), written by Lasse Holm and Monica Forsberg and arranged by Lennart Sjöholm, was the song performed by the 16-year-old Carola Häggkvist which won the Swedish Melodifestivalen 1983 . At the Eurovision Song Contest 1983 in Munich in the former West Germany the song finished third.
Främling - WikipediaämlingFrämling (English: "Stranger") is the debut studio album by Swedish pop singer Carola Häggkvist, released on 26 March 1983.On the album charts, the album debuted and peaked at number one in Sweden and number two in Norway. Track listing. Främling" (Lasse Holm - Monica Forsberg) "Säg mig var du står" ("Why, tell me why") (M. Duiser, G. Elias, P. Souer - Ingela Forsman)
Främling - Wikipedia › wiki › FrämlingFrämling (English: "Stranger") is the debut studio album by Swedish pop singer Carola Häggkvist, released on 26 March 1983.On the album charts, the album debuted and peaked at number one in Sweden and number two in Norway.
Främling – Wikipediaämling«Främling» (norsk oversettelse: fremmede) er en svensk slager-popsang fra 1983 som er komponert av Lasse Holm, med tekst av Monica Forsberg. Den ble fremført av Carola Häggkvist i svenske Melodifestivalen 1983, der den vant en klar seier. Sangen ble dermed Sveriges bidrag til Eurovision Song