Ejemplos de weren't en inglés | inglés.com
www.ingles.com › ejemplos › weren&The point is you weren't ready for this, Tom. El punto es que no estabas listo para esto, Tom. Śrīla Prabhupāda: Because they weren't trained to be saintly monarchs. Śrīla Prabhupāda: Porque no estaban entrenados para ser monarcas santos. At least you weren't buried under 20 meters of ice. Al menos no fueron enterrados bajo 20 metros de ...
Past Simple del verbo essere in inglese [ESEMPI]
preply.com › it › blogMay 06, 2020 · In frasi negative, aggiungi il verbo not e mettilo dopo la parola was/were. Ricorda che nella maggior parte dei casi si usa la forma contratta (breve): wasn’t = was not/weren’t = were not. He wasn’t at the cinema with us. We weren’t at home on Sunday. I wasn’t hungry.
Ejemplos de weren't en inglés | inglés.com
https://www.ingles.com/ejemplos/weren'tThe point is you weren't ready for this, Tom. El punto es que no estabas listo para esto, Tom. Śrīla Prabhupāda: Because they weren't trained to be saintly monarchs. Śrīla Prabhupāda: Porque no estaban entrenados para ser monarcas santos. At least you weren't buried under 20 meters of ice. Al menos no fueron enterrados bajo 20 metros de ...