What is Free-mo? - Free-mo
www.free-mo.orgFree-mo operates like a permanent or sectional layout but still retains its modularity (Free-mo is actually more modular then existing double track modules). Free-mo layouts are operated with a single track mainline in a point to loop, loop to loop, or point to point. Layout sizes can vary to any size conceivable.
The Official Free-mo Standard - Free-mo
www.free-mo.org/standardThe beauty of the Free-mo standard is that it allows builders to replicate any freelance or prototype trackplan within your modules boundaries, yet can be combined for maximal interoperability with other Free-mo modules. S1.3 A Free-mo module is a free-form module that conforms to the Free-mo Standard as outlined below.
A Gentle Guide to the Free-moStandards
www.nwhs.org › modeling › Free-moGuideMini-mo’s are small modules, often used to extend distance between full modules, or built with a specific setup limitation in mind. Mini-mo’s will have more information at the end. They can be either single or double track. 4Roadbed to be 1 inch cork or equivalent on 1 2 inch plywood or equivalent (Foam tops are accept-
What is Free-mo? - Free-mo
www.free-mo.orgFree-mo operates like a permanent or sectional layout but still retains its modularity (Free-mo is actually more modular then existing double track modules). Free-mo layouts are operated with a single track mainline in a point to loop, loop to loop, or point to point. Layout sizes can vary to any size conceivable. The Free-mo mainline is ...
The Official Free-mo Standard - Free-mo
www.free-mo.org › standardS1.3 A Free-mo module is a free-form module that conforms to the Free-mo Standard as outlined below. (FAQ S1.3) S1.3.1A Free-mo module can be any length and the endplates can be at any angle to each other. S1.3.2A Free-mo module can be one section or a set of two or more sections that form a module.