Starting a podcast exactly the way you want. With Podbean, you get the whole package - reliable podcast hosting, unlimited storage and bandwidth, promotional tools, podcast advertising and premium content. Over 180 thousand people choose Podbean to create their stunning podcasts. Try it free now.
11.05.2021 · Buzzsprout is a hosting service that features a basic, free plan along with affordable monthly options that require no contract or credit card to sign-up. Buzzsprout currently works with notable podcast directories like Apple/iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcast and Stitcher. The website has worked to provide hosting for over 50,000 people since the website was launched in 2009.
18.11.2020 · Top 7 Best Podcast Hosting UK Picks Of 2021. 1. BuzzSprout. The first spot in my list of best podcast hosting UK picks goes to BuzzSprout. Established in 2009, it is one of the oldest and leading platforms for hosting podcasts.
May 11, 2021 · The podcast hosting service provides four different plans for users, including one completely free version. As your podcast grows it also offers two paid versions. Podbean currently hosts over 240,000 podcasters with more than 7.4 million episodes combined.
Starting a podcast exactly the way you want. With Podbean, you get the whole package - reliable podcast hosting, unlimited storage and bandwidth, promotional tools, podcast advertising and premium content. Over 180 thousand people choose Podbean to …
17.03.2021 · 14 GBP/month for six. and 18 GBP/month for twelve hours of uploaded audio. There’s also a free plan with some limitations. e.g. on that plan, your shows will be removed after 90 days. However, considering the overall features, it's still one of the best free podcast hosting softwares you can use.
Nov 20, 2021 · Castos has a 14-day free trial, but if you use the coupon code PI2018, you’ll get a free month! And if you pay for the year upfront, you also get 2 months free. Check out Castos and sign up here. Podbean Podbean has great pricing and plans for new podcasters. There is a 5-hour limited upload plan for free with basic stats.