06.03.2017 · French Quiz: Subjunctive or Indicative? You got: % Correct. Pas mal. Not bad! You have the basics down, but you may want to revisit our lesson on …
09.05.2011 · Top Quizzes with Similar Tags. Find the Countries of Europe in French 14. MCU Characters Around the World 14. Spanish, French or Italian? 9. 6 Animals, 6 Languages 8. Fruit in French 6. Click the Languages A-Z 6. Common Mnemonic Devices 4. Drinks in French 4.
03.12.2021 · The subjunctive mood can be one of the most difficult things for newcomers to French to learn. See how well you can do with it. Last Updated: Dec 3, 2021 , Times Played: 1266 , Rank: 101868 of 155000
The subjunctive is formed by dropping the -ent ending of the 3rd person plural of the present and adding the endings -e, -es, -e-, -ions, -iez, -ent. There are ...
French Vocabulary. 4.6 ( 31) This folder contains 1300 of the most important French vocabularies sorted by topic. Each set represents one topic which allows you to dive deeper into areas depending on your priorities and interests…. Preview study guide. 18 Sets - $12.99.
15.01.2013 · Play as. Quiz Flashcard. There are clauses and expressions that trigger - or not - the use of the subjunctive in French. Test your knowledge of these triggers by picking the one right answer below. The prompt is or is not a trigger. Get the PDF on the subjunctive online and more on www. Frenchetc.
Elle est très forte. My wife always defends me against the hooligans. She is very strong. Elle descend les escaliers en courant. She goes down staircases ...
Subjunctive. Conjugate the verb in BLOCK LETTERS. Use the subjunctive. Twitter Share French exercise "Subjunctive" created by anonyme with The test builder.
09.01.2013 · During the Quiz End of Quiz. Difficulty. Sequential Easy First Hard First. Play as. Quiz Flashcard. Conjugate (je, tu, il/elle, nous, vous, ils/elles) the following French verbs, both regular and irregular, in the present subjunctive. Questions and Answers. 1.
Quick Instructions. Enter the correct verb conjugation and then hit the enter key. To place accents over vowels, move the caret to the right of the vowel and then hit the down arrow key. For more information see the conjugation help.