Imports | fastai › importsJan 05, 2021 · from fastai.basics import * will populate the current namespace with these external modules in addition to fastai-specific functions and variables. This page documents these convenience imports, which are defined in fastai.imports. Note: since this document was manually created, it could be outdated by the time you read it.
vision | fastai › visionFirst, import everything you need from the fastai library. fromfastai.visionimport* First, create a data folder containing a MNIST subset in data/mnist_sampleusing this little helper that will download it for you: path=untar_data(URLs. MNIST_SAMPLE)path PosixPath('/home/ubuntu/.fastai/data/mnist_sample')
Computer vision | fastai the fastai library in computer vision. The predict method returns three things: the decoded prediction (here False for dog), the index of the predicted class and the tensor of probabilities of all classes in the order of their indexed labels(in this case, the model is quite confifent about the being that of a dog). This method accepts a filename, a PIL image or a tensor directly in this ...
Computer vision | fastai › tutorialfrom import * This tutorial highlights on how to quickly build a Learner and fine tune a pretrained model on most computer vision tasks. Single-label classification For this task, we will use the Oxford-IIIT Pet Dataset that contains images of cats and dogs of 37 different breeds.
vision | fastai vision module of the fastai library contains all the necessary functions to define a Dataset and train a model for computer vision tasks. It contains four different submodules to reach that goal: vision.image contains the basic definition of an Image object and all the functions that are used behind the scenes to apply transformations to such an object.