MarkupSafe · PyPI rader · 18.05.2021 · MarkupSafe implements a text object that escapes characters so it is safe to use in HTML and XML. Characters that have special meanings are replaced so that they display as the actual characters. This mitigates injection attacks, meaning untrusted user input can safely be displayed on a page.
MarkupSafe | The Pallets Projects MarkupSafe implements a text object that escapes characters so it is safe to use in HTML and XML. Characters that have special meanings are replaced so that they display as the actual characters. This mitigates injection attacks, meaning untrusted user input can safely be displayed on a page. Escaping is implemented in C so it is as ...
GitHub - pallets/markupsafe: Safely add untrusted strings to ... › pallets › markupsafeNov 05, 2021 · >>> from markupsafe import Markup, escape >>> # escape replaces special characters and wraps in Markup >>> escape(" <script>alert(document.cookie);</script> ") Markup('<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>') >>> # wrap in Markup to mark text "safe" and prevent escaping >>> Markup(" <strong>Hello</strong> ") Markup('<strong>hello</strong>') >>> escape(Markup(" <strong>Hello</strong> ")) Markup('<strong>hello</strong>') >>> # Markup is a str subclass >>> # methods and operators ...
MarkupSafe · PyPI › project › MarkupSafeMay 18, 2021 · >>> from markupsafe import Markup, escape >>> # escape replaces special characters and wraps in Markup >>> escape ("<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>") Markup('<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>') >>> # wrap in Markup to mark text "safe" and prevent escaping >>> Markup ("<strong>Hello</strong>") Markup('<strong>hello</strong>') >>> escape (Markup ("<strong>Hello</strong>")) Markup('<strong>hello</strong>') >>> # Markup is a str subclass >>> # methods and operators ...
Python Examples of markupsafe.escape › 53424 › markupsafedef import_string(import_name, silent=False): """Imports an object based on a string. This is useful if you want to use import paths as endpoints or something similar. An import path can be specified either in dotted notation (``xml.sax.saxutils.escape``) or with a colon as object delimiter (``xml.sax.saxutils:escape``).
MarkupSafe | The Pallets Projects › p › markupsafe>>> from markupsafe import Markup, escape >>> # escape replaces special characters and wraps in Markup >>> escape ('<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>') Markup(u'<script>alert(document.cookie);</script>') >>> # wrap in Markup to mark text "safe" and prevent escaping >>> Markup ('<strong>Hello</strong>') Markup('<strong>hello</strong>') >>> escape (Markup ('<strong>Hello</strong>')) Markup('<strong>hello</strong>') >>> # Markup is a text subclass (str on Python 3, unicode on ...
MarkupSafe — MarkupSafe Documentation (2.0.x) › en › 2MarkupSafe¶ MarkupSafe escapes characters so text is safe to use in HTML and XML. Characters that have special meanings are replaced so that they display as the actual characters. This mitigates injection attacks, meaning untrusted user input can safely be displayed on a page. The escape() function escapes text and returns a Markup object. The object won’t be escaped anymore, but any text that is used with it will be, ensuring that the result remains safe to use in HTML.