What is a good performance metric for clustering algorithms?
stephenallwright.com › good-clustering-metricsJul 03, 2021 · Davies-Bouldin Index. Unlike the previous two metrics, this score measures the similarity of your clusters, meaning that the lower the score the better separation there is between your clusters. It can be calculated using scikit-learn in the following way: from sklearn.cluster import KMeans from sklearn.metrics import davies_bouldin_score my_model = KMeans().fit(X) labels = my_model.labels_ davies_bouldin_score(X, labels) Which performance metric should I choose for my clustering algorithm?
There are the normalized values of the davies_bouldin_score ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 62063673This index signifies the average ‘similarity’ between clusters, where the similarity is a measure that compares the distance between clusters with the size of the clusters themselves. Zero is the lowest possible score. Values closer to zero indicate a better partition. Example where the score is > 1: from sklearn import datasetsfrom sklearn.cluster import KMeansfrom sklearn.metrics import davies_bouldin_scoreiris = datasets.load_iris()X = iris.datakmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=13, ...