Tutorials — tensorboardX documentation
tensorboardx.readthedocs.io › en › latestCreate a summary writer ¶. Before logging anything, we need to create a writer instance. This can be done with: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter #SummaryWriter encapsulates everything writer = SummaryWriter('runs/exp-1') #creates writer object. The log will be saved in 'runs/exp-1' writer2 = SummaryWriter() #creates writer2 object with auto generated file name, the dir will be something like 'runs/Aug20-17-20-33' writer3 = SummaryWriter(comment='3x learning rate') #creates writer3 ...
tensorboardX SummaryWriter not working when using gpu ...
discuss.pytorch.org › t › tensorboardx-summarywriterSep 08, 2020 · pytorch: 1.1.0 tensorboardX: 2.1 the code is like following: import torch from torch import nn from torch.optim import adam from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu" net = Model() net.to(device) loss_fn = nn.BCELoss() # MSELoss() optimizer = adam.Adam(params=net.parameters(), lr=0.0001, weight_decay=0.5) writer = SummaryWriter("logs") for epoch in range(50): for i, x_batch, y_batch in enumerate(train_loader): y_pred = net(x_...
PyTorch使用tensorboardX - 知乎
https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/35675109pip install tensorboardX 2.调用 from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter writer = SummaryWriter ('log') writer就相当于一个日志,保存你要做图的所有信息。 第二句就是在你的项目目录下建立一个文件夹log,存放画图用的文件。 刚开始的时候是空的。 训练的循环中,每次写入 图像名称, loss数值 , n_iteration writer.add_scalar ('Train/Loss', loss.data [0], niter) 验证 …
tensorboardX — tensorboardX documentation
tensorboardx.readthedocs.io › en › latestfrom tensorboardX import SummaryWriter import numpy as np img_batch = np. zeros ((16, 3, 100, 100)) for i in range (16): img_batch [i, 0] = np. arange (0, 10000). reshape (100, 100) / 10000 / 16 * i img_batch [i, 1] = (1-np. arange (0, 10000). reshape (100, 100) / 10000) / 16 * i writer = SummaryWriter writer. add_images ('my_image_batch', img_batch, 0) writer. close ()
tensorboardX.writer — tensorboardX documentation
tensorboardx.readthedocs.io › en › latestExamples:: from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter import numpy as np img_batch = np.zeros((16, 3, 100, 100)) for i in range(16): img_batch[i, 0] = np.arange(0, 10000).reshape(100, 100) / 10000 / 16 * i img_batch[i, 1] = (1 - np.arange(0, 10000).reshape(100, 100) / 10000) / 16 * i writer = SummaryWriter() writer.add_images('my_image_batch', img_batch, 0) writer.close() Expected result:.. image:: _static/img/tensorboard/add_images.png:scale: 30 % """ if self. _check_caffe2_blob (img_tensor ...