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from win32 import win32api

Python 'No module named win32gui' after installing pywin32 ...
19.05.2017 · from win32.win32gui import FindWindow, GetWindowRect, MoveWindow I guess the standard model name is win32, so all the tutorial on web is outdated. For whatever said before v300, add"win32." before the model name to give a parent modelname which is "win32"
python - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32api ...
21.05.2019 · This is usually because no PythonPath is appended after the package is installed. Check the file--pywin32.pth under the folder--\\PythonVersion\\Lib\\site-packages\\.The content in the file is like below: # .pth file for the PyWin32 extensions win32 win32\lib Pythonwin # Entries needed for a "portable" installations, where the post_install script # isn't run, which would …
python - ImportError: no module named win32api - Stack ...
12.08.2018 · This always lead to errors when trying import win32api. The simple solution was to uninstall both packages and reinstall pywin32: pip uninstall pipywin32 pip uninstall pywin32 pip install pywin32. Then restart Python (and Jupyter). Now, the win32 folder is there and the import works fine. Problem solved.
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32api' - py4u
https://www.py4u.net › discuss
This error occurs when trying to import the win32com.client module. ... .pth file for the PyWin32 extensions win32 win32\lib Pythonwin # Entries needed for ...
`import win32api` fails after `pip install pywin32 ...
29.08.2019 · Expected behavior and actual behavior. Expected import win32api to work without any exception.. Steps to reproduce the problem. Below I am working in a virtualenv; however, this same problem occurs when I install not inside a venv (I just solved it for my system, so it's easier to illustrate inside a venv now).
Python 3.4 :ImportError: no module named win32api
20.11.2021 · What they are trying to import is the site-packageswin32win32api.pyd file, but the win32 folder is not in the path that python searches in, but site-packages is. Try to replace the import win32api (inside win32com__init__.py) to from win32 import win32api
[Solved] Import: no module named win32api - FlutterQ
https://flutterq.com › solved-impor...
To Solve Import: no module named win32api Error If you've already done that, do a search in your Python installation for win32api and you should ...
How to fix ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘win32api ...
14.11.2021 · Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\myscript.py", line 1, in <module> from win32api import GetFileVersionInfo, LOWORD, HIWORD ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32api' The problem lies on the missing DLL library of win32api, specifically the pythoncom310.dll and pywintypes310.dll.
blog.csdn.net › Python_sn › article
Sep 02, 2020 · """自动脚本""" """登录网站并对流程截图""" """基本实现功能版""" """"为解决有些电脑运行过慢,添加一个读取文本文件,加入等待时间的系数time_k""" import time import os from selenium import webdriver import sys from ctypes import * from PIL import Image import numpy as np from win32 import win32api ...
python - ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'win32api ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 56238859
May 21, 2019 · This is usually because no PythonPath is appended after the package is installed. Check the file--pywin32.pth under the folder--\\PythonVersion\\Lib\\site-packages\\.The content in the file is like below:
import win32api fails after pip install pywin32 #1399 - GitHub
https://github.com › issues
Expected import win32api to work without any exception. ... Python 3.7.4 (tags/v3.7.4:e09359112e, Jul 8 2019, 20:13:57) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32.
bbs.csdn.net › topics › 392311436
Jan 20, 2018 · from win32 import win32api import pythoncom 有没有那个大牛遇到过类似问题,帮忙看看。baidu了好久,没有找到有用的信息。 ...
python - ImportError: No module named pywin32 - Stack Overflow
import win32api instead of import pywin32! Share. Improve this answer. Follow ... win32file - Accesses the file-related Win32 functions. This module exposes a low-level, raw interface to files on Windows and is used only when the standard Python file object isn't suitable.
Python 3.4 :ImportError: no module named win32api - Stack ...
What they are trying to import is the site-packages\win32\win32api.pyd file, but the win32 folder is not in the path that python searches in, but site-packages is. Try to replace the import win32api (inside win32com\__init__.py) to from win32 import win32api
How to import win32api and win32con - Python Forum
https://python-forum.io › thread-1...
So I'm trying to import win32api and win32con. ... from PyWin32 import win32api, win32con ... Using cached cp37m - win32.whl ( 8.3MB ).
Win32com import error python 3.4 [duplicate] - Pretag
https://pretagteam.com › question
... from win32 import win32api,ImportError: no module named win32api,Had the same error trying to import win32com.client (using Python 2.7, ...
opencv - Capture video data from screen in Python - Stack ...
stackoverflow.com › questions › 35097837
Jan 30, 2016 · import cv2 import numpy as np from win32 import win32gui from pythonwin import win32ui from win32.lib import win32con from win32 import win32api for geting a simple image screen do: from grab_screen import grab_screen import cv2 img = grab_screen() cv2.imshow('frame',img) and for getting frames:
How to fix "ImportError: DLL load failed" while importing ...
29.10.2019 · I'm setting up an autoclicker in Python 3.8 and I need win32api for GetAsyncKeyState but it always gives me this error: >>> import win32api Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: DLL load failed while importing win32api: The specified module could not be found. I'm on Windows 10 Home 64x.
How to import win32api and win32con - Python Forum
19.02.2019 · So I'm trying to import win32api and win32con. So I was researching and I found that I needed pywin32 to do this. So I used pip and installed it but python still said pywin32 was an invalid module. So I'm kinda stuck. Can someone help me? I tried this. from PyWin32 import win32api, win32con I also tried this from pywin32 import win32api, win32con
ImportError: no module named win32api - Stack Overflow
https://stackoverflow.com › import...
Do you have multiple versions of Python installed? If so are you sure you are trying to import from the same one that you installed it to? – ...
blog.csdn.net › frostime › article
Mar 11, 2020 · from win32 import win32api, win32gui, win32print from win32. lib import win32con from win32. win32api import GetSystemMetrics def get_real_resolution (): """获取真实的分辨率""" hDC = win32gui. GetDC (0) # 横向分辨率 w = win32print. GetDeviceCaps (hDC, win32con. DESKTOPHORZRES) # 纵向分辨率 h = win32print. GetDeviceCaps (hDC ...
Python 3.4 :ImportError: no module named win32api
https://newbedev.com › python-3-...
Python 3.4 :ImportError: no module named win32api. Try to install pywin32 from here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/pywin32/files/pywin32/. depends on you ...