Quasi-Newton method - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quasi-Newton_methodQuasi-Newton methods are methods used to either find zeroes or local maxima and minima of functions, as an alternative to Newton's method. They can be used if the Jacobian or Hessian is unavailable or is too expensive to compute at every iteration. The "full" Newton's method requires the Jacobian in order to search for zeros, or the Hessian for finding extrema.
2.2.2 Quasi-Newton solution technique
classes.engineering.wustl.edu › 2009 › springThis method is implemented in ABAQUS/Standard and is described in this section. The user must select this method explicitly: by default, ABAQUS/Standard uses the standard Newton method. The basis of quasi-Newton methods is to obtain a series of improved approximations to the Jacobian matrix, , that satisfy the secant condition:
Quasi-Newton solution technique
abaqus-docs.mit.edu › simathe-c-quasinewtsolQuasi-Newton solution technique. ProductsAbaqus/Standard. A major contribution to the computational effort involved in nonlinear analysis is the solution of the nonlinear equations ( Equation 1 ). In most cases Abaqus/Standard uses Newton's method to solve these equations, as described in Nonlinear solution methods in Abaqus/Standard.
6.12 Quasi-Newton solution technique
classes.engineering.wustl.edu › 2009 › springDescription: The quasi-Newton solution technique controls the iterative equilibrium search in nonlinear static and dynamic simulations.Computational cost is saved by utilizing an inexpensive stiffness matrix update for many of the iterations, rather than forming and factorizing a new stiffness matrix for every iteration as in the default Newton technique.