GKNT.ORG - BBG 19: Future Indicative Active and Middle
gknt.org › class › bbg-19-future-indicative-active-and-middleThe last 2, Pluperfect (Past Perfect) and Future Perfect, are rare You have learned the Present, now we are learning the Future. The seven tense are not the same as the 6 Principal Parts (19.4,5), which are Present Active, Future Active, Aorist Active, Perfect Active, Perfect Middle/Passive, Aorist Passive
Future Perfect | Department of Classics
classics.osu.edu › Tense › PerfectTo form the future perfect active indicative, find the perfect stem (3rd principle part less the final "i"), and add the personal endings. Note: the personal endings are almost the same as the future of sum. (The 3rd plural future of sum is erunt; but the 3rd plural personal ending for the future perfect is, as below, -erint.)