GABPA - Wikipedia gene encodes one of three GA-binding protein transcription factor subunits which functions as a DNA-binding subunit. Since this subunit shares identity with a subunit encoding the nuclear respiratory factor 2 gene, it is likely involved in activation of cytochrome oxidase expression and nuclear control of mitochondrial function. This subunit also shares identity with a subunit constituting the transcription factor E4TF1, responsible for expression of the adenovirus E4 gen…
Transcription Services | Translation Services in Atlanta, GA › locations › atlanta1201 Peachtree Street, 400 Colony Square,SUITE 200 Atlanta, GA 30361. Our transcription services are done by human transcribers. We serve clients seeking academic, corporate, legal, and podcast transcription services! Our experienced, certified translators provide text-to-text, audio-to-text, and verbatim translation in over 20 languages and ...