Fast English English. You can set this page as a homework task for a group of students; doing so will give you a record of who has completed the task. Visit the teacher's section for more information.. In the teacher's section you can also alter the sets of content, so …
Time - › telling-the-timeAbout This is a mini-game to learn and practice telling the time in English. Students can interact with a clock to change the time and there is also a mini-game which involves matching a time phrase to a clock. The first screen shows an analog clock displaying a time - initially 9 o'clock - and a pane below showing the matching time phrase.
Hangman Games - The English Room GAMES. This page is for all of the Hangman games. The students have to guess what the word is by clicking on one letter at a time. The students are encourages to click on the vowels first – AEIOU. The first set of Hangman games are based on themes. The rest are games based on word lists from the Let’s Go books.
Time - you take too long, then no points are awarded at all. The target language is time phrases, specifically: Half past, quarter past, quarter to, five past/to, ten past/to, twenty past/to, twenty-five past/to. These were chosen as they are the main phrases used to tell the time. I did not use more precise times, such as "2 minutes past", as this ...